April 15 - 17, 2025
JW Marriott LA LIVE, CA
Purdue Global is not your typical educational partner. Our
personal approach to helping you meet core business objectives goes far beyond
workforce training. As your strategic partner, we work closely with you to
develop a customized plan to identify critical business issues and growth
opportunities, address specific workforce talent needs and skill gaps, maximize
college credit opportunities, improve operational efficiencies, and maximize
return on educational investment.
Our mission is to empower your employees to take their
education and hit the ground running—to solve critical business problems,
manage diverse and complex relationships, and drive opportunities that help
your organization thrive. Our tailored solutions
help you attract top talent, retain and promote from within, grow internal
knowledge and skills, and maximize return on educational investment.
Ready to learn more?
Visit us at educationpartnerships.purdueglobal.edu